The Brat-Demure Database
The Brat Demure Database is the United Nations' official repository for the definitive ranking of all entities on the Brat Demure/High Low Matrix. Developed in partnership with the BSC Consulting Group, this database has proven essential in resolving global conflicts and keeping Gwyneth Paltrow in check.
Users are encouraged to submit their own rankings through the designated form. All submissions will be reviewed by the BDD Braintrust and will appear on the matrix if approved.
Please note: Placement on the matrix is fluid and continually evolving. Additionally, the matrix will never be complete as long as there is judgment left in the world.
Users are encouraged to submit their own rankings through the designated form. All submissions will be reviewed by the BDD Braintrust and will appear on the matrix if approved.
Please note: Placement on the matrix is fluid and continually evolving. Additionally, the matrix will never be complete as long as there is judgment left in the world.